08 Nov
12:00 - 18:00

Employability Inspiration & Improvisation Day

The Employability project team is very excited to share current developments of Maastricht University’s Employability programme with you! We proudly invite all UM staff members to a half-day seminar on 8 November. During the event, we will showcase project results such as the student journey and present the brand new student employability website. There will be ample opportunities to share and exchange practices between colleagues, students and external partners.

 Please note: registration for this event has closed.


The seminar will take place at the Tapijn Barracks, Building X (EDLAB).

Time What Where
12.00-12.30 Welcome including lunch Entrance hall + 0.002 + small conservatory
12.30-12.45 Opening Conservatory
12.45-13.30 Inspiration session Conservatory
  The Big Mo performs improvisational theatre. They will inspire you in an engaging and funky way, addressing the different themes of the student employability project with active involvement by the participants.  
13.30-14.00 Introduction and launch website 'Student Employability @UM' Conservatory
  Perry Heymann (CIO office) will give a short introduction to the brand new website of the student employability initiative. This website brings all information on employability together for students on a central and faculty level.  
  After the 'official' launch of the website there will be plenty of room to experience the website and provide the developers with feedback and suggestions.  
14.00-15.30 Workshops 
On the day itself, you can choose the workshop you'd like to attend
Tapijn X, Educational rooms
  Partners for Life  
  Guido Vanderbroeck & Denise Villerius from the Central Alumni Office will walk you through the alumni story of Maastricht University, meanwhile presenting alumni activities and offering a platform for sharing best practices at the different faculties. In this workshop there will be plenty of room to exchange practices, and to discuss the possibilities to connect students and alumni for mutual benefit.  
  Academic Advising  

Marin Been (FPN), Wim Bogaert (SBE) and Oscar van den Wijngaard (EDLAB) will host a workshop on ‘goal-setting’ as a crucial feature of academic advising. Developing the habit and skill of setting goals (defining personal objectives for study and future employment) and evaluating results, is an important step towards becoming an ‘employable graduate’. On the basis of several UM practices and case studies from literature participants will discuss ways of supporting students in developing these important skills.

  Career Services  
  Mieke Jansen and Bibi Linssen from UM Career Services will introduce the practice of speed dating in their workshop. You will be able to walk around to get acquainted with some specific topics that are delivered by UM Career Services / UM Student Guidance. They will not only present these topics but will actually offer you an experience with the services, for instance by giving short impressions of the methods used in workshops and lectures. For all services and topics explicit connections to student employability will be made.  
  Introduction in design thinking as a working method in Employability  
  Marc Dolman (CIO office) and Dennis Hambeukers (Zuiderlicht) will introduce you to tools and models of design thinking. In the project student employability some of these tools are introduced and used and have proven to generate energy, involvement and pace in the realisation of the projects/products  
  The employability framework/ staff professionalization  
  Inge Römgens (UCM) and Simon Beausaert (SBE) are the project leaders of the project 'implicit-explicit: the employability framework. They will introduce this framework and explain UM's definition of employability. Furthermore they will present a collection of 'best practices' of teaching for employability competencies to inspire academic staff in implementing employability competencies in their curriculum.  
  The future of connecting students to future employers  

Ellen Bastiaens (MUO/AA) will host a world café to discuss possibilities for optimizing connections between students and organisations in our Euregion in different settings: from internships to excellence programmes and hackathons.

15.30-16.00 Short break entrance hall + 0.002 + small conservatory
16.00-17.30 Open space session Conservatory
  The moderator will invite participants to introduce a short question or theme they would like to discuss further with other participants. They will be assigned to a standing table and will host a discussion at this table for 4 rounds of 15 minutes. All participants can walk around and join the discussions or they can choose to walk around and give feedback.   
  The student journey  
  User stories  
  Info graphics summarizing data from our T+5 alumni scanner for 5 cohorts of alumni  
  The website Student Employability @UM  
17.30-18.00 Wrap up and networking drinks Entrance hall + 0.002 + small conservatory

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