14 Oct
16:00 - 17:00

Data Science Expert Series

The aim of the bi-monthly Data Science Expert Series is to bring together experts from across the world to discuss breakthroughs and research topics that are related to Data Science, to extend the network and to start collaborations. 

Past editions

Research @JADS: an overview of the data science research in Den Bosch

Talk by Maurits Kaptein, Professor of Data Science & Health at JADS 


During this session, Maurits Kaptein provided an introduction to the Data Science activities at JADS (Den Bosch). He highlighted the educational, research, and valorization activities at JADS. The research at JADS is structured in a number of research labs: Maurits discussed the aims and challenges of each of these. Next, an introduction was given on a number of the projects done in Maurits' lab: the computational personalization lab (see www.nth-iteration.com).

At JADS, they work on a number of projects, all related to estimating individual level treatment effects and identifying personalized treatment allocation rules. Maurits highlighted both the applied projects with CZ, IKNL, and KPN, the theoretical projects concerning offline allocation policy evaluation and causal effect estimation, and the software that has been developed over the last four years. The talk was intended to provide a wide overview of the activities at JADS and more specifically the research activities of Maurits' lab.


Institute of Data Science

Lianne Ippel

For questions or concerns, please contact us via info-ids@maastrichtuniversity.nl

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