15 Mar
10:00 - 16:30

Data Protection for EU Institutions, bodies and agencies

How to deal and comply with the new Regulation 2018/1725?

The new Data Protection Regulation for EU Institutions, bodies and agencies became applicable recently. Through this new Regulation, the data protection rules for EU institutions, bodies and agencies are brought in line with the standards imposed by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The development of a comprehensive EU framework for data protection is crucial in the digital era. During this one-day training course, both our experts as well as senior professionals from the EU institutions will take you through the main changes brought by the new Regulation and will explain how the revised data protection principles and obligations affects those working within EU institutions, as well as professionals who need to work with those institutions.

The course provides the necessary guidance on how to apply the revised Regulation and data protection in practice providing practical solutions that can help the participants in tackling the data protection issues they face in their everyday work.

Key Learning Points:

  • Main changes of the revised Regulation 2018/1725
  • Revised principles of personal data processing
  • Obligations of EU institutions as controller and processor of personal data
  • Rights of data subjects
  • Supervision over data protection compliance
  • Remedies, liability and penalties in case of non-compliance

Provisional team of speakers:
Cosimo Monda, Director, European Centre on Privacy and Cybersecurity (ECPC), Maastricht University
Christopher Docksey, Honorary Director of the EDPS
Philippe Renaudière, Former DPO of the European Commission
Herke Kranenborg, Legal Service, European Commission
Juraj Sajfert, European Commission, DG Justice, unit C3
Thomas Zerdick, Head of Unit IT Policy, EDPS

Special rates for civil servants!

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