School of Business and Economics

Enrolment in the second year

Do you want to switch from another university to an SBE bachelor’s programme? Please note that you cannot be exempted from individual SBE courses, but only from the entire first year of the SBE bachelor’s programme.

This means that you can only enrol in the second year of an SBE bachelor’s programme*, on the condition that you have successfully completed all courses of your university, of which the SBE Board of Examiners approves that these are equivalent to the first-year courses of an SBE bachelor’s programme.

*SBE bachelor’s programmes are: Business Analytics, Business Engineering, Econometrics and Operations Research, Economics and Business Economics, and International Business. 

SBE students who would like to switch to another SBE programme are advised to look on the SBE Student Intranet for more information. Students of the SBE bachelor’s programme Business Engineering who would like to switch to an SBE bachelor’s programme, can follow the procedure as described below.

How to apply for exemptions

  1. Carefully check all first year courses of the study programme you want to apply for in the Outline Study Programme.
  2. Fill in the request form before the deadline of  1 July 2025 and send it to Submissions after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.
    The Board of Examiners will assess whether the exemption can be granted in your case. Your request will be processed in max. 8 weeks.
Check course descriptions
Outline Study Programme

How to proceed

While the Board of Examiners assesses your request, you should apply for your study programme via Studielink before the application deadline mentioned on the UM website. You have the following two options:

  1. You apply for the first year in Studielink and at the same time submit a request to the Board of Examiners for enrolment in the second year and for exemptions for the entire first year as described above, or
  2. You apply for the second year and submit a request to the Board of Examiners for enrolment in the second year and for exemptions for the entire first year as described above.

We would like to stress that the first option is the safest one. If the Board of Examiners declines your request for enrolment in the second year and does not grant you exemptions from the entire first year of the programme, you might still be accepted for the first year if you nevertheless wish to start the study programme.

Please note that your application will also be assessed on the general admission requirements, so also upload the relevant documents as described on the website when you register via Studielink.