Dr D.T. Tempelaar

Research profile

My research interests focus on modeling student learning, and students’ achievements in learning, from an individual difference perspective. This includes:

  • Dispositional learning analytics: ‘big data’ approaches to learning processes, with the aim to find predictive models for generating learning feedback, based on computer generated trace data, and learning dispositions.
  • Empirical research in social cognitive learning theories: achievement motivation, implicit theories, epistemic and achievement learning emotions, and self-regulated learning.
  • Research into students’ self-regulated learning preferences in technology enhanced (blended) learning environments, such as revealed preferences for using worked examples, tutored or untutored problem solving.
  • Cultural diversity in education; participating in the MUSBE multidisciplinary research theme "Culture, Ethics and Leadership", CEL.
  • Role of formative assessment in learning processes.

Research in the role and effectiveness of developmental education. 

Recent publications