Conny Quaedflieg (C.W.E.M.)
Research profile
- The role of the brain in stress resilience
- EEG neurofeedback to change brain asymmetry and enhance stress resilience
- Effects of stress timing on memory and learning
- Stress and Stimulus-controlled Habits
- Stress and Memory Control
Research projects
- Habitual control of behaviour under stress: Underlying mechanisms and interindividual differences.
- Intentional memory control under stress: Underlying mechanisms and interindividual differences.
- The role of stress-timing on maladaptive stimulus-controlled behaviour.
Key publications
Quaedflieg, C. W. E. M., Smulders, F. T. Y., Meyer, T., Peeters, F., Merckelbach, H., & Smeets, T. (2016). The validity of individual frontal alpha asymmetry EEG neurofeedback. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11(1), 33-43.
More information about this publication
Quaedflieg, C. W. E. M., Meyer, T., van Ruitenbeek, P., & Smeets, T. (2017). Examining habituation and sensitization across repetitive laboratory stress inductions using the MAST. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 77, 175-181.
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Quaedflieg, C. W. E. M., van de Ven, V., Meyer, T., Siep, N., Merckelbach, H., & Smeets, T. (2015). Temporal dynamics of stress-induced alternations of intrinsic amygdala connectivity and neuroendocrine levels. PLOS ONE, 10(5), Article e0124141.
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Quaedflieg, C. W. E. M., Schwabe, L., Meyer, T., & Smeets, T. (2013). Time dependent effects of stress prior to encoding on event-related potentials and 24h delayed retrieval. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 38(12), 3057-3069.
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