Latest blog articles

  • A supply chain can be defined as a “system whose constituent parts include material suppliers, production facilities, distribution services and customers linked together via the feed forward flow of materials and the feedback flow of information” (Stevens, 1989).

  • The story itself: So, how does it feel to work in academia and do policy work at the same time? First, let us talk more about these 2 areas to understand how these work in practice

  • Jon Pittman says this about MVP in his Medium post: “engineering and business culture often focus (sic) on minimum features and forgets the viability part.” While I don’t think this tendency is limited to engineering and business culture, I agree that too many product development teams misuse MVP...

  • No one will have failed to notice the United Kingdom's referendum on membership of the EU. To avoid a British exit, an agreement   has been reached... This blog is only available in Dutch.

  • Het belastingplan

    The tax plan

    It has just been accepted by the Dutch Second Chamber, but that does not mean it will make it past the First. That's the status of the tax plan right now. And indeed... This blog is only available in Dutch.

  • Today the European Commission released its first set of decisions on corporate tax rulings, which it has investigated for over a year. Starbucks Manufacturing EMEA and Fiat Finance and Trade were the first test cases where final decisions have been issued.

  • The EU is negotiating trade agreements in secret because orthodoxy, mysticism and a wishful thinking-based approach to policymaking have returned to power in Europe.