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“Hopefully COVID-19 will be gone at some point, but tracking technologies may stay for longer and permanently hamper the rights and freedoms of individuals”.
The Swedish Data Protection Authority recently launched an investigation into Umeå University’s handling of sensitive personal data, specifically data obtained from the Danish Police Authority for research purposes.
I think that today is a good day to ask the future Members of the European Parliament and American Presidential Candidates to think about a global dimension of data protection and to commit themselves to develop international legislative instruments that have the power to truly enable world-wide
On 6 November 2018 the ICO published it’s report to Parliament (Investigation into the use of data analytics in
Legal compliance = primary enabler of Smart Data and Data protection by design and by default. We return to the vitality of compliance with data protection principles, the ultimate objective which can be successfully achieved through the correct application of the data protection b
“The oil of the 21st century”, “the fuel of the digital economy”, the “data gold rush”. There’s no doubt that data is playing an ever-more important role in both the global society and the economy.
Just a few days ago the ICO published its “Investigation into the use of data analytics in political campaigns Investigation update”