Meeting the Supervisory Board, Disability Working Group, New Communication Coordinator
Dear members of the UM Community,
As we start heading for the end of the academic year, it’s time for another update on what has been going on at the University Council.
Twice a year, the University Council meets with the Supervisory Board, the body that oversees the Executive Board, to discuss strategic issues. During our April meeting, we considered Maastricht University’s plans to better manage the inflow of international students in the context of the framework for self-management of this issue published by the Association of Dutch Universities (UNL). We also explored the main issues surrounding the proposed intensified cooperation with the academic hospital, as decisions will need to be taken over the upcoming months.
During our last plenary meeting’s Quarter (during which anyone can bring matters to the attention of the Council), the Council heard from the University Sports Council (MUSST) and MSRV Saurus, the Rowing Association. Both drew attention to how, over the past years, the amount of money allocated to sports associations has stayed constant over the past years, even in the face of rising inflation and with more students participating in these associations. The Council also discussed how the University has spent the funds received from the government as part of the NPO programme, which aims to counter the effects of the COVID pandemic on staff and students, and the Quality Agreements funding, which the University received to improve the quality of education.
Over the past few months, the Council’s Disability Working Group, which is examining how UM supports and accommodates students with a disability, has met with a variety of stakeholders. This includes the Disability Office at the Student Service Center (SSC), the chair of the Committee of Boards of Examiners, the network of Student Advisors, and various Offices of Student Affairs, which administer exams and organize accommodations for students. As a result, the working group now has a much better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of UM’s efforts, which will inform the first evaluation of the new Disability Policy Plan in May.
The Council is also happy to announce that our new Representation Communication Coordinator has started. Roy Broers will design and implement a plan to improve the communication between all the participatory bodies and the community, increasing the visibility of the Councils. His efforts should become visible over the next few months.
Finally, the elections for the Council’s student members took place. We congratulate the elected students and look forward to welcoming them to the Council in September.
Teun Dekker
Chair University Council
T.J. Dekker
Teun J Dekker (1980) is Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences Education at University College Maastricht, where he teaches courses on the intersection of the Social Sciences and the Humanities, including History of Political Thought and Distributive Justice in Contemporary Political Philosophy.
As Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences Education, his main duties are:

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