Dean’s blog Episode 20: names for our tutorial rooms
The entire Faculty community helped to find names for our tutorial rooms. Naming them ensures we are better able to find them. It also makes clear it is the Law Faculty making use of our building.
Everyone will have noticed: in the last two weeks our tutorial rooms were given a name.
This serves two aims. First, it helps to better find the rooms. Second, it turns our building more into a building of a law faculty. This is why, some time ago, everyone was invited to think along in finding suitable names. In a previous blog, I already indicated that a choice had to be made to guarantee sufficient diversity as to field, nationality and gender.
The Faculty now does not only have an Aletta Jacobs room (B0.006) and a Montesquieu room (B0.115), but also rooms named after Johanna Hudig (B0.113), J.R. Thorbecke (D0.217), Simone Veil (D0.227), Taslim Olawale Elias (D0.221), Hugo Grotius (B0.118) and Jean Monnet (D0.225). On the second floor, rooms were named after the judicial decisions in Lindenbaum-Cohen (D2.215), Schumacker (D2.221) and Van Gend & Loos (D2.225). The first floor is reserved for the Strasbourg room (D1.225) and Brussels room (D1.227). We now also have the Maastricht room (C0.311B), the The Hague room (D1.221) and the Lenculen room (C0.302). Room B1.01 is named after those who received an honorary doctorate at the initiative of the Faculty.

Each of these rooms now has a wonderful sign thanks to Frie and Rob. How cool is it to study the fate of the Amsterdam printers in the Lindenbaum/Cohen room, or to hear about the ECSC in the Jean Monnet room? Do not worry if you do not know all the names. In the coming year colleagues will write about the chosen names in the Faculty Journal. If you want to volunteer and write a contribution: please do let know.
This whole operation has not gone unnoticed. Even Sinterklaas, who visited us last Thursday – be it without his Petes – was pleasantly surprised. He left us a wonderfully designed poster with the names of all the rooms.
He also wrote a poem to honour our new lawyers’ paradise:
Saint Nick visits Maastricht, and the Faculty too
Now all by himself, without Pete and his crew.
This causes a problem: Saint no longer finds
His way to Board Room or Salon – he whines.
Saint is unsure: did he bark up the right tree?
Did he land at the law school, or at MSP?
He misses the law in the chambers he finds
So signs with the names of great legal minds.
Grotius, Montesquieu, Elias and Veil
All famous jurists for the extra mile.
From now on, they adorn the rooms of Bou 3
So Saint finds his way; so will you and me.

Meanwhile Santa Claus himself has arrived. I look very much forward to our annual
Faculty Christmas meeting on Thursday 19 December. I hope to see you all there.
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