EU Law in the Private Sphere – Helping Hand or Officious Intermeddler?
A one-day international conference aiming to evaluate EU Law’s evolution from one initially limited to the sphere of public law to its increasing stake in regulating private relationships.
Save the date: Friday 26 October 2012. Registration is free. Register by sending an email to Dr Gary Low at mepli[at] with your name, designation, and contact details.
The aim of this one-day international conference is to evaluate EU Law’s evolution from one initially limited to the sphere of public law to its increasing stake in regulating private relationships. Such an evaluation has fundamental and applied consequences for how a multi-levelled European legal order ought to be regulated: What is the extent to which EU Law’s regulation of private relationships is justifiable? How is the State’s traditional role affected? What is its impact on the current system of rights and remedies? Given the topic’s salience to two distinct but related groups of scholars, this conference is co-organised by Dr Gary Low of the Maastricht European Private Law Institute (MEPLI) and Dr Elise Muir of the Maastricht Centre for European Law (MCEL).
The tentative programme is as follows:
Venue: Feestzaal, Maastricht Faculty of Law
1000 Registration and coffee
1025 Opening remarks (Prof Ellen Vos, Maastricht)
Panel I – Conceptual objections and justifications to the involvement of EU law in the private sphere
1030 The public-private divide: a fruitful distinction for the involvement of EU primary law in private matters? (Prof Carla Sieburgh, Nijmegen)
1100 Equality as a defining policy for the debate on the public/private divide? (Dr Elise Muir, Maastricht)
1130 Discussion (Dr Constanze Semmelmann, Maastricht)
1215 Lunch break
Panel II – EU law as a sword and a shield in litigation between private parties
1400 Rethinking the horizontal application of EU Law. (Prof Harm Schepel, Kent)
1430 European private law values as sources of fundamental rights. (Dr Chantal Mak, Amsterdam)
1500 Discussion (Prof Monica Claes, Maastricht)
1545 Coffee break
Panel III – Enforcement of private law rights and obligations under EU law
1600 Critical views on EU liability law. (Prof Norbert Reich, Bremen)
1630 Critical views on damages. (Ms Hanna Shebesta, EUI)
1700 Discussion (Dr A-P van der Mei, Maastricht)
1745 Closing remarks (Prof Jan Smits)