Instructions & Education
The minimal instructions that an ABV/VM/OL must give to new GMO employees or employees who need access to GMO laboratories can be found via this link. When the instructions have been given, the ABV can apply for admission of the employee to the GMO laboratories. This can be done by sending the approval form to the BSO. Criteria for admitting employees to the various containment levels can be found in the procedure Approval of GMO workers to various containment levels.
In the Master Biomedical Sciences, a Biosafety course is given annually by the BSO. This usually takes place in November/December and is also accessible to employees. If the course is successfully completed, a Biosafety certificate is received. Employees can register for this course via the BSO.
Activities with biological material for educational/demonstration purposes must always take place in laboratories. If animal material is used, the animal by-products regulation must also be complied with. Animal material approved for consumption (bought in the store) is also subject to this regulation because the animal material is not used for consumption. For more information, contact the BSO.