T.J. Dekker

At UCM, I teach courses in the History of Political Thought, Distributive Justice, as well as projects on Bioethics, Basic Income and other philosophical issues.

Education projects

Teun Dekker manages UCM's participation in the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Creating Responsive, Engaging, And Tailored Education with Students (CREATES), in partnership wit University College Freiburg, Leuphana University, Sciences Po Paris, King's College London, and Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa.

The strategic objective of CREATES is to enhance practices that create a responsive, engaging and tailored education with students. There is a clear need for modernising higher education by making students more active in their education and encouraging them to take ownership of their studies. This approach fosters the skills graduates will need to be successful in the 21st century: innovation and creativity, participation and responsibility, as well critical thinking and informed judgement. However, this approach is still not widespread in European HE, which sometimes appears stuck in the 19th century. In part this is because there is a great deal of scepticism towards this kind of education. Even in those institutions that are committed to this approach to education – as all partner institutions of CREATES are – difficult questions remain such as: “How to design, implement and assess courses which are co-created by students?” and  “How to provide effective advising for sound curricular choices?”