Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions

The European Commission's Marie Curie programme is intended for young, talented scientists such as PhD students who would like to do research abroad.


There are three types of Innovative Training Networks (ITN):

European Training Networks;
European Industrial Doctorates; and
European Joint Doctorates.

The conditions differ per ITN. An individual PhD student cannot apply for a fellowship Only the ITN can apply for funding.

Read more on the conditions of the MSCA-ITN programme 

Duration of the scholarship

The ITN-project can get funding for recruitment and training for every participating researcher, during maximum three years. The researcher receives –based on an employment contract- a monthly allowance and additional allowances for insurance, mobility and family.

The ITN receives an additional allowance for organisation and management costs. The duration of an ITN-project is maximum four years.


Depends on the type of fellowship.


The Innovative Training Network has to submit a proposal which matches one of the ‘Open calls’.
Read more on the subject and on what the individual can do.
Read more on How to apply and How to get funding



The deadline varies because it depends on the specific 'open call' for which the proposal was submitted.