Cultural treaty scholarships

Cultural treaty scholarships are intended for Dutch students who are in the final year of their studies, recent graduates and young scientists who would like to study and/or conduct research in another country that has made scholarships available for this.

Please remember to get foreign study points accredited. You must arrange this yourself before you depart.


  • You are of Dutch nationality or you receive Dutch student finance.
  • You are a master's or bachelor's student in your last year, or have recently graduated, or you are a researcher at a university.
  • You are no older than 35 years of age at the start of the scholarship.
  • You are not doing an internship.
  • You do not have an Erasmus+ scholarship.

Non-Dutch students cannot get cultural treaty scholarships for their country of origin.  

The complete conditions can be found at Nuffic 

Duration and size of the scholarship

Depends on the programme and the country.


You can register directly at Nuffic.  


Differs per country.

Read more

Specific information for each country can be found at WilWeg  , the Dutch website for studying abroad.