Cultural grant scholarships

Cultural grant scholarships are intended for talented academics (masters) and HBO students (bachelor’s students at a university of applied sciences) who have obtained their degree and would like to go abroad to do a continuation course or to do research.

Cultural fund scholarships are part of the Prins Bernhard Cultuur Fonds.


  • You are of Dutch nationality or have been registered in the Netherlands for at least three years.
  • Along with your application, you can submit a list of grades with an average grade of 8.0 or more.
  • You're going abroad for education for a period of at least one year that will result in a master’s degree or similar degree, or for follow-up research of at least three months.
  • You are highly motivated.
  • You are an "excellent talent".

The full conditions -in Dutch- can be found on the fund's website      

Duration of the scholarship

The duration of the scholarship depends on the application.


The amount depends on the quality and quantity of the applications.


You can directly apply to het Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds  for the scholarship.


Before 2 April in the year prior to the academic year you want to start.