Sarah Schoenmaekers (S.L.T.)

Sarah Schoenmaekers is professor of European Economic Law at Maastricht University, endowed professor of EU law (more specifically with regard to 'the culturally corrected market economy') at the Open Universiteit and professor of construction law at Hasselt University.  At Maastricht University she is the director of studies of the master programmes of the faculty of law.

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Sarah Schoenmaekers is specialized in European economic law. In her research she focuses particularly on European public procurement law, free movement law and the link between EU economic law and culture. Furthermore, Sarah is interested in European competition law.

Career history

Sarah Schoenmaekers graduated at the European Law School of Maastricht University in 2005. After having passed the entrance exam organised by the Flemish Bar Association in Brussels, she became a practising lawyer in Belgium.

In 2010 Sarah defended her PhD dissertation entitled: 'The Regulation of Architects in Belgium and the Netherlands.'

Since 2009 she works at Maastricht University where she became an assistant professor in 2013 and associate professor in 2021. At Maastricht University Sarah was the programme coordinator  of the Master 'International Laws' since 2017 until the end of 2023 and of the master 'European Law School' from 2017 until the end of 2021.
Since 2020 Sarah is the Director of studies of the master programmes of the faculty of law of Maastricht University.

Sarah has been a visiting professor at Hasselt University since 2010, where she became professor of construction law in 2023. In 2013-2014 Sarah was a Post-Doc researcher at the Open Universiteit of Heerlen. In 2020 she was appointed as Endowed professor 'European law, more specifically the culturally corrected market economy' at the Open Universiteit. Her chair is established in collaboration with the Algemeen Nederlands Verbond (ANV) and is supported by the ANV- Tijmen Knecht-Fund.

Sarah frequently publishes on European economic law in (inter)national journals, has edited several books and has organised several conferences.

She has been successful in acquiring public money and has acquired a Jean Monnet module for setting up the course 'State aid and Public Procurement in the EU'. She has been the project leader of a CEDEFOP research project on 'The role of qualifications in governing professions and occupations' and was a core member of the team that successfully applied for a European Commission's tender on the 'Evaluation of the legal framework for the free movement of lawyers'.

Sarah regularly speaks at international conferences. She spoke at a public hearing of the European Parliament on the new Diploma Directive and was invited to speak about public procurement law at the World Bank in Washington and at George Washington University. Sarah lectured/presented/chaired workshops in New York, London, Stockholm, Oslo, Brussels, Torino, St.Gallen, Thessaloníki and is a visible member of the academic community.