Scientific integrity training

Blog series on scientific integrity

Have you ever selectively cited articles to enhance your own findings or convictions? Performed data-analyses that were not stated in the study protocol? Or decided not to submit valid negative results for publication? When it comes to scientific integrity, obvious misconducts such as data fabrication or fraud easily come to mind. But in daily practice, researchers may engage in more subtle research misbehaviours without even knowing it. To tackle questionable research practices, FHML/Maastricht UMC+ provides training in scientific integrity.

If you have answered ‘yes’ to one or more of the questions above, you are not the only one. A recent national survey showed that about half of the researchers in the Netherlands were involved in at least one such questionable research practice in the last three years. Training in scientific integrity and a safe and supportive learning environment is key in moving from questionable to responsible research practice. Therefore, FHML and Maastricht UMC+ offer an in-depth scientific integrity course (SCIIN-ID). 

In five meetings of approximately two hours, SCIIN-ID covers three problem-based learning cases that are closely related to daily research practice to create awareness about scientific integrity issues. Participants are invited to discuss and reflect on questionable research behaviours, learn where to find guidelines and how to implement them in their daily routine. Part of the course is dedicated to discussing scientific integrity issues in a safe environment, and participants are taught how to speak up when faced with a (possible) violation of scientific integrity. 

There are two opportunities to follow SCIIN-ID in the first half of 2023: one course starts in January and a second one starts in March. For more information on dates, times, and registration, click on ‘SCIentific Integrity – In-Depth course (SCIIN-ID)’ on the PhD training programme page. Currently, SCIIN-ID is open for PhD students who participated in the course on Research Ethics & Integrity from the graduate school training programme. In the second half of 2023, two more SCIIN-ID courses will be organised.  The course was developed by members of the FHML/Maastricht UMC+ Platform of Scientific Integrity, together with PhD students.