Sarah Anschütz (S.)
Research projects
Sarah Anschütz's PhD thesis, Young lives on the move: the mobility trajectories and transnational affective engagements of Ghanaian-background youth living in Belgium, is part of the MO-TRAYL project, which is funded by the European research council and led by Prof. Valentina Mazzucato.
The objective of the project is to gain a better understanding of how youth mobility impacts young people's life chance outcomes, by investigating the educational and mobility trajectories of young people of Ghanaian background who grow up between Europe and Ghana. Project updates are announced via the MO-TRAYL Twitter account.
Sarah Anschütz conducted 18 months of ethnographic fieldwork with 25 young people of Ghanaian background (aged 14-25) in Belgium and Ghana. Her research interests include youth mobilities, transnational families, emotional well-being, aspirations for the future, education, and digital media.
Key publications
Recent publications
Other publications
A full list of my publications can be viewed on Google Scholar or on ResearchGate.