Sarah Anschütz (S.)

Key publicaties
Anschütz, S. (2022). Extraordinary everydayness: Young people's affective engagements with the country of origin through digital media and transnational mobility. Global Networks-a Journal of Transnational Affairs, 22(3), 483-498.
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Anschütz, S., & Mazzucato, V. (2022). Reconceptualizing family reunification from a youth mobilities perspective: transnational youth between Ghana and Belgium. Childrens Geographies, 20(2), 160-173.
Meer informative over deze publicatie
Anschütz, S., & Mazzucato, V. (2023). Travel and personal growth: the value of visits to the country of origin for transnational migrant youth. Compare-A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 53(8), 1392-1409.
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