
Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market

The Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA) is a research institute of the Maastricht University School of Business and Economics, established in 1986. The overarching research theme of ROA is the acquisition and depreciation of human capital over the life course in relation to the dynamics of the labour market. ROA aims to do high-level scientific research with a substantial policy impact. This dual mission is pursued in all research projects, regardless of the type of funding (fundamental or commissioned research). ROA receives funding from scientific funds (e.g. NRO, NWO, NETSPAR, ORA, H2020), as well as from national and international authorities (Ministries, European Commission, OECD) and various other organizations such as training funds, educational institutes and regional governments.


ROA’s research activities are carried out in four research lines. The first two lines focus on education and training and look at outcomes ROA's research programme is organised in four themes. The first two themes focus on education and skills as a point of departure and study the drivers and outcomes at the individual, organizational and societal level. The last two programs study the developments in skill supply and demand in the labour market and the interactions between the two at the national and regional levels.

Research themes

  • Education and Transition to Work

  • Health, Skills, and Inequality

  • Labour Market and Training

  • Human Capital in the Region

ROA is also the home base for Education Lab Netherlands, a research network working to improve education by ensuring that educational policy and practice is informed by scientific evidence (for more information, click here).