GS FASoS PhD Candidates

Internal PhD candidates


PhD project

Rafael Bienia

Narrative Fan practices based on popular game worlds

Valentina Carraro

Peer reviews among states in the field of human rights

Marith Dieker

Talking You Through. Traffic Information and Car Radio, 1950s - now

Lisa van Diem

The transnational dynamic of Dutch and Belgian reform discussions on managing populations 1870-1920

Elena Fronk

The performance of age identities in online dating "50plus" as a culturally and technologically situated interplay between various actors

Claudia Egher

Mental Health Expertise Online: The Enactment of Expertise on Bipolar Disorder on American and French Online Platforms

Tessa Fox

How chemical risks are regulated in the European Union. What institutional mechanisms are in place for dealing with risks, and what are the implications of these mechanisms for risk regulation practices

Joan van Geel

Mobile children: the effects of migration on children who circulate between Ghana and the Netherlands

Natalia Gladkova

Trial by Transit: Exploring Transnational Social Networks of sub-Saharan Africans in Ukraine

Iona Goldie-Scot

Audience Participation in Performance-based Art

Afke Groen

Why Cooperate? The Politics of Transnational Party Cooperation

Tim van der Heijden

Memory practices on the move: technological innovations and user generations in home movies

Anna-Lena Hoh

Europeanization of Census Taking in the Western Balkans

Marloes de Hoon

Mobility in Context

Noortje Jacobs

Historicizing Medical Ethics: a history of clinical research ethics in the Netherlands after the Second World War

Hortense Jongen

Authority of different soft-governance instruments in EU internal security policy-making, particularly the fight against terrorism and its financing

Brian Keller

Imagining Techno-moral Change

Jinhee Kim

What influence for EU agencies?: The role of expertise in European policy-making

Martina Kühner

Peer reviews among states in the field of sustainable development

Andreas Mitzschke

Controversy and publics. Re-negotiating democracy, ethics and vulnerability in India’s Bt-Brinjal debate

Thomas Mougey

Civilization and its discontents: Universalism and Colonialism in UNESCO's international science program, 1945-1954

Nantke Pecht

The construction of social relationships through language practices in a coalminer's neighborhood: The use of Cité Duits

Floris Peters

The Citizenship Premium. Citizenship acquisition and socio-economic integration of immigrants in the Netherlands and Sweden

Kristel Peters

Normativity and voice in peripheral areas: Limburg in the era of superdiversity

Codruta Pohrib

Tales from the Golden Age: Narrating Communist Childhoods in Romania (2000-2010)

Trust Saidi

Travelling nanotechnologies

Simone Schleper

Ecological Experts and the Conservation Policy of International Organisations, 1949-1972

Hans Schouwenburg

Nature's Diplomats: Ecological Experts and the Conservation Policy of International Organizations, 1930-2000

Pankaj Sekhsaria

The cultures of innovation in nanotechnology research in India

Linnea Semmerling

Listening on Display. Exhibiting Sound Art 1960s-now

Ester Serra Mingot

Transnational Social Protection. How Sudanese migrants in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom and their families in Sudan make use of social protection, locally and transnationally

Daniel Stinsky

Cooling the Cold War. Technocrats, diplomats, and the United Nations Economic Commision for Europe (1947-57)

Lotte Thissen

Regional Identity in Limburg: selfing and othering through language practices

Inge Verouden

Emergent Cultural Literacy: Assimilating Children's Literature

Sarah Weingartz

Conceptualizing Techno-Moral Change in Technology Assessment

Ties van de Werff

Reframing nature and nurture: neuroeducation and the malleable brain

Marieke Wissink

Migration Strategies in Transit: the Role of Transnational Social Relationships and ICTs

Bart Zwegers

Built Heritage in Transition: global and local challenges

PhD candidates, part-time PhD programme in European Studies, UM Campus Brussels


PhD project

Albi Alla

The privatization of diplomacy: The effectiveness of lobbying firms in the making of EU foreign policy

Elizabeth Ayre

Understanding the policy gap for children affected by parental incarceration: Why the transposition of their rights to family life and well-being by Member States and EU institutions is lagging or absent and what can be done to help bridge this gap

Mike Bostan

Electricity pricing in Europe and the influence of state policies

Cyrus Engerer

Malta's Coordination of EU Policy: An Effective Way Forward

Thomas Huddleston

European citizenship in practice: Implementation and effectiveness of naturalisation policies across Europe

Paulina Kosc

Cooperation and competition in EU highly skilled migration policy

Magdalena Luminska

Changing perceptions in transatlantic relations: The perception of the European Union in the United States

Ewa Mahr

Contestation of EU civilian missions by local actors: The case of the Western Balkans

Anastasia Mitronatsiou

The European Parliament"s evolving role in EU external relations Formal and informal tools used as lever to increase its powers

Emmy Ruiter

Brokering and bargaining in the European Parliament. The contribution of Political Group Advisors to the process of decision making’

External PhD candidates

Volga Kurbanzade Cagyalangil (External PhD)
Jolien Clijsen (External PhD)
Tessa Cramer (External PhD)
Vlad Niculescu Dinca (External PhD)
Lysbeth Jongbloed-Faber
Margo Slomp (External PhD)
Isolde Sprenkels (External PhD)