
Academic Publications

Publications for and with Practitioners

  • Grohnert, T., Meuwissen, R. H. G., & Gijselaers, W.H. (2017). "Vol Vertrouwen" [Full of Confidence]. In Kloppenburg, M., & Jansen, T. (Eds.), Artikel 5 De Beroepseer Van De Accountant [Article 5 Professional Honors of the Accountant] (pp. 145-153). Utrecht: Stichting Beroepseer
    This article analyses how learning culture in audit firms influences judgment and decision making in auditing
  • Hummels, H. (2017). "Responsible Leadership is Inclusive Leadership". Stanford Social Innovation Review
  • Vanstraelen, A. (2016) "Cultuuromslag accountantskantoren: een ‘conditio sine qua non’ voor verbetering kwaliteit accountantscontrole" – In: Liber Amicorum W.F.J. Buijink: Maar dat is interessant…, Vaassen, E. and Eken, R. (edit.), Tilburg University, p.148-156 

Invited Speeches & Workshops

  • Thürheimer, U. and Vanstraelen, A. (2017). "FAR Masterclass: What do we already know about…? Identification and negotiation about audit findings". 15 November 2017, Nyenrode University, The Netherlands
  • Gijselaers, W., Grohnert, T., and Meuwissen, R. (2017). "FAR Masterclass: What do we already know about…? Designing audit firm environments for sustainable learning from errors". 22 November 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Vanstraelen, A. and Schelleman, C. "Auditing private companies: what do we know?" Information for Better Markets Conference, Private company financial reporting, ICAEW, London, UK, 19-20 December 2016

Media coverage