Prof Dr R. van de Vall
Renée van de Vall studied sociology and philosophy at the University of Amsterdam. She received her PhD in philosophy from the same university in 1992 and teaches at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences since 1993. She is Chair of the Department Literature & Art. She has co-ordinated and tutored courses on bachelors and masters level and was Director of Studies of the MA Media Culture until 2010. Since 2009 she holds a chair in Art and Media. Van de Vall’s research focuses on philosophy of art and aesthetics, specifically on the construction of spectatorship in contemporary visual and new media art; on the theory and ethics of contemporary art conservation; and on processes of globalisation in contemporary art and media. She was project leader of the NWO funded research project Transformations in Perception and Participation: Digital Games and New Strategies in the Conservation of Contemporary Art and the NWO funded network Network for the Conservation of Contemporary Art (NECCAR). Curently she is project coordinatorof the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network New Approaches in the Conservation of Contemporary Art (NACCA).