Past events

  • 13 May

    PhD Defence Guleid Jama

    "Do Our Children Have Rights? Children’s Rights in the Unrecognised State of Somaliland"


  • 08 May

    M-EPLI Talks

    M-EPLI Talks offer a forum to share academic work and ideas. These meetings take place twice a month during the academic year at the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University.

  • 07 May
    20:00 - 23:00

    La Chimera + Panel discussion

    Lumiere Cinema is organizing an evening combining cinema and academia, with a special screening of the film La Chimera followed by a panel discussion, during which a few academics will dissect the complex legal, social, and criminal themes in the film. The discussion will focus on the illegal trade...

  • 29 Apr
    16:00 - 18:00

    ICGI/Elverding Staff seminar and guest lecture Professor Steven Schwarcz

    We invite all interested staff members for an in-depth discussion. The seminar is set up as a guest lecture in which professor Schwarcz will present his paper after which there will be enough room for discussion. 

  • 29 Apr
    14:00 - 15:30

    NEXT ITEM: European elections and border regions

    On the evening of 29 April, the Maastricht Debate will be organized, bringing together several Spitzenkandidaten. The Debate will touch upon several themes. In the afternoon before the Maastricht Debate, ITEM will provide more focus on the dimension of border regions and cross-border cooperation...

  • 22 Apr

    PhD Defence Valentina Golunova

    "Silenced by Default: Algorithmic Content Moderation and Freedom of Expression in the European Union"

  • 16 Apr

    PhD Defence Andrés Horacio Cáceres-Solari

    "Modern insurgency warfare's incompatibility with the principle of distinction"

  • 05 Apr
    09:30 - 18:00

    Conference “Law, Change, and Time in the Age of Cognitive Sciences” 

    The LACS conference on “Law, Change, and Time in the Age of Cognitive Sciences” will take place in Maastricht (NL), with a keynote by Dr Mitch Travis (Leeds). 



  • 04 Apr
    13:00 - 18:30

    Gezondheidsrecht: zorgen voor de toekomst

    Afscheidssymposium Mr Dr Rankie ten Hoopen. 
    Rankie wil graag haar afscheid markeren met een middagsymposium dat de gelegenheid biedt het door haar beoefende vakgebied, het gezondheidsrecht, in de schijnwerpers te zetten. 

  • 28 Mar
    13:30 - 17:00

    Experience Day European Law School

    During the Experience Day you will receive more information about the European Law School programme and Problem-Based Learning (PBL) system.