Past events

  • 23 May

    Student Think Tank - Heerlen

    In the context of the Nachbar Nacht, a Student Think Tank will take place. The Think tank will focus on opportunities of young professionals living in the border region. The Think Tank will be organised by the Municipality of Heerlen and the Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border...

  • 09 May

    Nachbar Nacht - Heerlen

    On Wednesday May 9, 2018, the Municipality of Heerlen organises an event in the city centre of Heerlen. This event is organized to celebrate the border location Heerlen-Aachen. The distance between Heerlen and Aachen is so small that both cities can easily benefit from each other’s cultures and...

  • 29 Nov
    17:30 - 19:00

    Master Information Market

    During the Master Information Market you have the opportunity to gain more information about several master programmes.

  • 25 Nov
    13:00 - 14:00

    'UNU Jargon Buster': Valorisation Session

    What happens when researchers from different backgrounds and disciplines work together for the first time? Do scholars and politicians use similar concepts in different ways? Do YOU know your PoCs from your POCs?

  • 11 Jul 13 Jul
    09:00 - 18:00

    Summer School "Statelesness"

    A three day event to engage with young socially conscious and active participants who are motivated to help us end childhood statelessness.

  • 27 Jun 01 Jul
    09:00 - 18:00

    CLEER Summer School 2016

    CLEER and the T.M.C. Asser Instituut present their third intensive one-week summer school in EU External Relations Law.

  • 22 Jun
  • 11 Apr
    18:00 - 20:00

    Information session on part-time PhD programme Campus Brussels

    Ever thought of working towards a PhD alongside your full-time job? The part-time PhD programmes for professionals at the Campus Brussels of Maastricht University offer a unique opportunity to obtain a doctorate degree to enhance your professional career.