Student association UCV contributes to student life in Venlo

For the last couple of months UCV-students have put it in extra hours to get everything done before the next academic year. But everything is taken care of and as a result the first student association of UCV is born: ISA BEET.

Although the bachelor’s programme University College Venlo (UCV) is nearly three years old they never had their own student association. Until now.

Triin Naudi, a second-year student at UCV and president of BEET explains why it took a while. “It took us three years to get started, simply because now that we have our first graduates and a growing student body it became clear that students are looking for extracurricular activities related to their studies but that there is no framework to unite their ideas and to create something out of it.”

Contribute to local student life

It was clear that UCV students needed a common platform to feel connected throughout their studies as well as in the future as alumni members. Naudi explains: “Especially since the number of students has been growing quite rapidly over the past year, the new BEET community has an immense potential to contribute to the local student life for anyone attending UCV.

Make friends in the supermarket or in the local pub

Venlo student life is much more small-scale than in other student cities. While this could be a major turn-off for some people, it is an exciting opportunity for others.

Trinn elaborates: “For example, the city has an existing student council where all students are invited to be part of the collaboration with the local government on ideas regarding the city development, specifically focused on the student perspective. Right now the city already supports some sports- and other events, and we are currently working on developing the new student hub for all students from the three different university/applied science campuses in the city.”

“Personally, I think Venlo is a cozy small place and very comfortable to settle in as an international student. It's common to see familiar faces on the street and why not make friends in the supermarket or in the local pub haha.”

University College Venlo - BEET
Members of the board


The name BEET does not have a very specific connotation, but it resembles the nature of UCV (a bachelor’s programme with a strong focus on health and nutrition and of course the vibrant student life in Venlo).

“The name was chosen because of the rich wordplay. It comes from the vegetable beetroot and it is fun to play around with different versions that resemble beet or beat (the beetles, heartbeet).”

A lot of this wordplay can be found in their logo: “Beet is like heart beat but healthy version/Center for beetroot/the white for the heart beat/And the circles as a vinyl (old CD) for the beat of the music.”

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