17 Mar
Studium Generale | Debate Café

Do You Think You Know Everything About Alcohol?

Everyone knows that alcohol is bad for your health in large amounts. 
Drinking alcohol can affect your health and wellbeing, your cognitive performance and how you drive, for example. 

In tonight’s Debate Café, we will discuss the damage alcohol can do to your body and mind, how to prevent alcohol abuse, consequences for healthcare and social aspects. And does drinking alcohol have any benefits? 

Feel free to join in the conversation and talk with experts about something that seems so commonplace.


- Sarai Boelema, PhD, Neuro-psychologist, Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences, Utrecht University. Writer of the dissertation “Alcohol use in adolescence. A longitudinal study of its effect on cognitive functioning”.
- Paul Lemmens, PhD, Ass. Professor of Health Promotion, School for Public Health and Primary Care CAPHRI, Maastricht University. Fields: Alcohol use, illicit drugs, addiction, policy, measurement.
- Eric Vuurman, PhD, Ass Professor of Psychopharmacology and Neuropsychology, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University. His work focuses on behavioral effects of medicinal drugs and alcohol.
- drs. Serge Walvoort, Clinical Neuropsychologist at Vincent van Gogh Institute for Psychiatry (VVGi)/ Korsakov Clinic, Venray. Researcher at Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Nijmegen

The Debate Café is a Studium Generale cooperation with a UM study association. The series covers important recent trends in science and society and offers an opportunity for experts, researchers, students and interested people to enter into the debate and exchange their views and ideas.
This event is a cooperation between Studium Generale and study association Luna-tik.