19 Mar
Studium Generale | Lecture

Challenges for the Standard Model of the Subatomic World

The Standard Model is a grand synthesis of what is known about all observed elementary particles and their interactions. The peculiarities of their interactions all fit in a beautiful mathematical scheme. 

Yet there are obvious limitations in what can be investigated in experiments, and our theoretical understanding suggests that there must be more under the surface. New experiments with The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in CERN, may yield new clues to help further refine our understanding. 

Which new theoretical principles should we employ, and would it make sense to start designing even bigger particle accelerators? 

‘T Hooft is winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1999

This lecture is open to everybody. Free entrance. No registration necessary. Please be in time to be sure to have a seat.

A picture of Gerard 't Hooft