22 Sep
Studium Generale | Debate

Politics and Religion in a 'Post-Secular' World

Politics and religion are two inescapable dimensions of human societal and cultural reality. The relation between the two can be very different in nature. It ranges from a merging of the two dimensions, as in some interpretations of the notion of a caliphate as proclaimed by ISIS, to their complete separation, as in some forms of liberalism. 

Beware of Dogma on a sign

Is a “separation of state and church” the same as a separation of politics and religion? Must democracy be “secular” and what does that mean? 
Is “religion” essentially a “private” affair? 

Many such questions present themselves on today’s agenda with renewed force. A discussion on this theme will take place after the lecture.

After the lecture Maastricht Students For Liberty (MSFL) will organize a post-debate around this theme.