VHC well represented at yearly CAPHRI Research Day
On 6 November the yearly CAPHRI Research Day took place where CAPHRI colleagues could meet, share and learn. Our Research Line Creating Value-Based Health Care (VHC) was represented as well.
Public Poster Award
Our VHC contributors for the Public Poster Award were Esther van den Boogaart, Elina Miteniece and Oluwasegun Jko Ogundele.
Jury Poster Pitch Award
Our VHC contributors for the Jury Poster Pitch Award were Esther van den Boogaart and Oluwasegun Jko Ogundele.
Dissertation Award 2017
Daan Westra and Ben Wijnen competed with their dissertations for the Dissertation Award 2017. Daan's dissertation was titled 'Healthcare's competition conundrum: cooperative inter-organizational strategies in competitive healthcare markets' and Ben's dissertation was titled 'Health technology assessment in epilepsy: moving towards patient-centered efficient care'.
Societal Impact Award
The secretaries Brigitte Caenen, Janet Verheijen and Suus Koene were nominated for the Societal Impact Award.
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The Dutch Research Council (NOW) has decided that within the so-called ENW Open competition XS research programme, 28 projects will receive funding. Three of those projects are headed by a UM scientist.
Ron van Golde collaborates with researchers to improve IVF care. Specifically, he investigates how embryos implant in the uterine wall.