Two new peer reviewed publications by dr. M. Brkan

22 February 2016


MCEL member and Assistant Professor in EU law dr. Maja Brkan has published two new peer reviewed articles:

  • Brkan, M., Data protection and European private international law: observing a bull in a China shop, International Data Privacy Law, 2015, Vol. 5, No. 4, p. 257-278. 
  • Brkan, M., Data protection and European private international law, EUI Working Paper Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies 2015/40, published also on SSRN: , p. 1-37

The objective of both articles is to point out current and potential obstacles to effective protection of the fundamental right to data protection, created by rules on jurisdiction, and to put forward solutions for removing those obstacles with regard to data protection.

dr. Maja Brkan

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