A project of Maastricht University and MKB Limburg*

TOF: Proud of Family-run Businesses

In collaboration with MKB Limburg, the organisation for small and medium-sized businesses in the province, Maastricht University has set up a special project for family-led companies. The name is TOF, Trots op Familiebedrijven, which translates as Proud of Family-run Businesses. The project is designed for family-led businesses with up to 50 employees.

Almost 80% of Limburg SMEs are family-owned: 22,500 businesses in total, who collectively play a major part in the provincial economy and society. Growth strategy, innovation, succession and transfer are TOF’s main themes. In addition to organisation-related issues, TOF will focus on the things that make family-run businesses special: long-term vision, social involvement, the emotional dimension and family values.

Innovation with the help of business coach

TOF aan tafel (TOF at your table) offers companies the opportunity to identify the potential for innovation with the help of a business coach.

Kick-off at first master class on 18 March 

Six master classes will be organised, enabling participants to share knowledge and discuss strategy and collaboration. The project will kick off on Thursday, 18 March, with a webinar attended by Limburg entrepreneurs, including Camille Oostwegel and MKB president Monique Princen, provincial executive Joost van den Akker and Anita van Gils from Maastricht University. The overall aim for TOF is to grow into a community of family-run businesses.

The project is financed by the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Province of Limburg.

*) Limburg SMEs

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