Two thesis awards for Master student Lea Smidt

FASoS alumni Lea Smidt won the UM Student Award 2018. The award was presented to her during the academic session of the 2019 Dies Natalis. She won the award on her thesis "Can Civil Society be Socially Engineered? The Influence of EU Democracy Aid on Civic Participation in Africa".  


Lea Smidt graduated cum laude from the MSc European Studies (Research). Her thesis supervisors were Dr. Luana Russo (Maastricht University) and Prof. Dr. Sven-Oliver Proksch (University of Cologne). Lea currently works at the UNDP’s International Policy Center for Inclusive Growth (Brazil) in the context of the high profile Carlo Schmid Fellowship Programme.

Lea also won the Daniel Heinsius Prize for the best MA thesis in political science. The prize was awarded at the Politicologenetmaal at Antwerp University on 13 June.

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