TEDxMaastricht talks by UM staff

During the last edition of TEDxMaastricht, which took place on 17 October 2016, three UM staff members gave an inspiring TED talk within the theme ‘A matter of perspective’. Our Rector Magnificus Rianne Letschert spoke about the power of apologizing, university professor Ron Heeren introduced us to new imaging techniques in cancer surgery and PhD fellow/ researcher Mark Kawakami shared his inspiring ideas on listening to others.

Watch their talks!

The Power of Apologizing | Rianne Letschert

'Typically, victimology deals with ordinary crimes, but Rianne Letschert decided to look at it from another perspective. She focuses on the victims of mass human rights infringements, as well as the victims of genocides or attempted genocides. This interest brought her to the four corners of our planet. Conducting research in Congo, Cambodia, Cyprus and the Middle East, she works hard to understand and defend the victims of unrest and conflict.' (Source: TEDxMaastricht).

The New Dawn of Cancer Surgery | Ron Heeren

'Imagine that: on-the-spot access to detailed molecular information on the tumor the surgeon is about to resect. New imaging techniques developed by Heeren can capture the endangered tumor tissue as well as surrounding malignant tissue at a very early stage and more precisely than ever before. MSI (Mass Spectroscopy Imaging) techniques are currently already applied on small scale and in combination with the so-called ‘IKnife’, a fascinating electrosurgical knife that provides molecular information of different layers of tissue.' (Source: TEDxMaastricht)

There’s something to be said about the Unheard Voices | Mark Kawakami

'‘If we only listen to important people, aren’t we missing out on something?’ In other words, are we doing ourselves any favors by listening only to good or smart ideas? After all, if we don’t listen – even to voices that we might not agree with or deem worthy – we might never change our perspective. PhD fellow at UM's Faculty of Law Mark Kawakami deeply cares about creating a better dialogue between students and teaching staff. He firmly believes education should be modernized and teachers could learn a lot from listening to their students more.' (Source: TedXMaastricht)

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