RECIPES project is now online

The project "REconciling sCience, Innovation and Precaution through the Engagement of Stakeholders" (RECIPES) aims to analyse how the precautionary principle is applied in the European Union and improve its future application with recourse to participatory methods. The precautionary principle has been recognised as a general principle in EU law and in various EU regulations and directives.

The project entitled REconciling sCience, Innovation and Precaution through the Engagement of Stakeholders (RECIPES) will address the topical question as to how to protect health and safety of persons and the environment whilst promoting innovation. RECIPES will carry out legal research on the precautionary principle and develop case studies on highly debated issues such as glyphosate, endocrine disrupters, GMOs and New Gene-Editing techniques.

It will moreover develop a new toolkit for the application of the precautionary principle taking into account the innovation principle. It will involve engagement of stakeholders in all stages of the research. Next to that, it will develop mechanisms for public involvement in research and innovation. Furthermore, RECIPES will develop scenarios for the future application of the precautionary principle and co-create new tools and approaches to the precautionary principle to help policymakers and other stakeholders to assess risks and uncertainty and allow decisions to be made on a case-by-case basis, responding to the question how to responsibly decide on precaution and innovation.

The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824665. More information can be found under

Ellen Vos and Kristel De Smedt will lead the Project Consortium together with colleagues Michael Faure and Marjolein van Asselt, Christine Neuhold and Esther Versluis (CERiM). We hope to provide you with interesting new insights into the precautionary principle and the relationship between precaution, innovation and law-making in the next three years!

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