RAIDIO research project launches website
The RAIDIO project team is excited to announce the launch of their webpage for the research project RAIDIO: Responsible Artificial Intelligence in Clinical DecisIOn-making.
The website collects educational resources on”Responsible Artificial Intelligence in Clinical DecisiOn-making”.
Not only does the webpage provide visitors with necessary information on what our research is all about, our latest publications, and interesting outreach events but also offers a host of educational resources.
To contribute to educational resources on the concept of “responsible AI” is one of the objectives of the RAIDIO project. The educational resources made available on our new website range from course materials developed and taught at Maastricht University and Utrecht University by RAIDIO researchers, a playful interview with the RAIDIO team in which they each recommended literature for different imagined scenarios, to an overview of related research projects that study similar issues to the ones tackled by RAIDIO.
The RAIDIO website was developed as the result of an internship by UM student Rahel Koch.
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