The quick facts on our sitting habits

EDLAB Education Innovation Project: Education That Moves You

EDLAB’s Education That Moves You project has shared many research sources showing the disadvantage of sitting and the ways in which you could change your habits for the better. But what exactly are the straight up facts?

Thanks to Natura Foundation, we can give you the quick facts on what research has shown so far. 

People who sit too much...

  • … are 112% more susceptible to developing diabetes
  • … are 147% more likely to get heart and vascular diseases
  • … have a 49% more chance of overall mortality

  • … more often have high cholesterol, lower back pain, cancer or poor circulation

Why do things differently?

  • Working while standing up helps you to burn calories and fights obesity
  • People who work standing up are 46% more productive
  • By finding a balance between sitting and standing, life expectancy can be extended by three years
  • Walking 30 minutes a day helps you to take full advantage of these benefits, while sitting more than 10 hours a day makes benefits vanish in thin air

Do these statistics convince you to take a fresh look at your sitting behaviour?

Go to EDLAB's Education That Moves You project page.

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