Prof. Dr. René van der Hulst appointed medical director of the Maastricht UMC+ Comprehensive Cancer Center (MCCC)

René van der Hulst

Prof. Dr. René van der Hulst has been appointed medical director of the Maastricht UMC+ Comprehensive Cancer Center (MCCC) as of July 1st, 2023. He succeeds Prof. Dr. Bernd Kremer. Together with managing director Milenka van Kempen and the management of research school GROW he will continue to realize the ambitions of the MCCC. René has been working as a plastic surgeon at Maastricht UMC+ since 2001 and has also been head of the plastic, reconstructive and hand surgery department since 2008.


He sees many challenges awaiting the MCCC: "The coming period revolves around a number of challenging changes. Some examples are the new EHR, renovations, the portfolio process and changes in funding. As medical director, I will work with the managing director to ensure that these changes continue to result in the best possible care for our patients. For this, we need to work together with our employees. Therefore, I want to be an accessible contact point for our employees, so they can address issues or suggestions for improvements in a timely manner, and enjoy working together and are proud of our MCCC.”

Unique character of the MCCC

The unique character of the MCCC is of importance to René: “The MCCC is unique in several ways. Promoting our quality regionally, nationally and internationally is one of my ambitions. In the region, the ambition is to further strengthen cooperation and connections, working together where possible and shifting care in close consultation when necessary."


In addition to being the medical director of the MCCC, René continues to work as a plastic surgeon, professor and head of the plastic, reconstructive and hand surgery department. He is particularly involved in reconstructive breast surgery and head and neck surgery. He has published more than 200 articles in scientific journals and has been chair of the Dutch Society for Plastic Surgery. He has also established a regional partnership with a number of colleagues, in which the plastic surgeons of our hospital work intensively with colleagues from Zuyderland, Laurentius Ziekenhuis, Mooi Kliniek and VieCuri Medisch Centrum.

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