Procedure started to appoint new rector
Luc Soete’s term as Rector Magnificus of Maastricht University will come to an end on 1 September 2016. The Supervisory Board has appointed a committee to advise them on selecting a successor.
This committee consists of the following members:
- Prof. U. Nelles (member of the Supervisory Board and chair of the BAC)
- Prof. M. Groenhuijsen (member of the Supervisory Board)
- Prof. M. Paul (chair of the Executive Board)
- Prof. F. Palm (dean of FHS)
- Dr R. Haar (chair of the Confidential Committee of the University Council)
- N. Harteman (secretary)
For more information about the position and the qualifications, please consult the job profile (available in Dutch and English).
Also read
Robots are on an unstoppable march in healthcare, restaurants, airports and shops. The various research projects at the Maastricht Center for Robots at the School of Business and Economics focus on the interaction between service robots and humans. One of these projects was conducted by Chelsea Phillips, a PhD candidate from Australia. Supervised by Gaby Odekerken-Schröder and Dominik Mahr, she studied the use of service robots, which are designed to assist people.
Luana takes over from Giselle Bosse, who was co-director the past years.
For the project: "Zin in Koken Plus": a neighborhood approach to delicious and healthy cooking for people with chronic conditions.