Poster prize for Martha Ingola

Best poster in the category “Advanced Mass Spectrometry Imaging Technology”
20 April 2016

Martha Ingola, who is in her final year of her Bachelor biology and medical laboratory research and an intern at the M4I division of Imaging Mass Spectrometry, was awarded a poster prize.

During the European Molecular Imaging Meeting – EMIM 2015- , in Utrecht, The Netherlands from 8-10 March 2016. Martha Ingola, who is in her final year of her Bachelor biology and medical laboratory research and an intern at the M4I division of Imaging Mass Spectrometry, was awarded a poster prize. Martha’s poster entitled ‘Optimal on-tissue enzymatic digestion conditions for direct protein analysis on fresh frozen tissue preceding MALDI MSI analysis’ was selected as best poster in the category “Advanced Mass Spectrometry Imaging Technology”. There were 261 posters presented in 19 different categories.  

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