
  • UMIO’s MaastrichtMBA programme moves up the grade on sustainable development as it impressively managed to rank 16th globally in the newly published 2020 Better World MBA Ranking organised by Corporate Knights.

  • We are happy to announce that SBE’s Andy Mackenzie was awarded a Veni grant worth up to 250,000 euros by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) for his project on robust decentralized institutions.

  • While the benefits of using robots may be easy to imagine, it is equally important to explore the flip-side in a nuanced manner. When, and where, do the benefits of robots outweigh their detriments and vice versa? At what point does 'almost human' shift from being endearing to being eerie? These are...

  • The Netherlands is a country of people with a trade instinct, but also with a moralistic side. However, this seems to be changed because of the COVID-19 crisis. A strong shared purpose would help procurement professionals navigate these ethical challenges accelerated by COVID-19.

  • Our BISCI colleague, Dr Ing Victor Verboeket, shares his experience of successfully defending his PhD titled 'Supply Chain Disruption: The Game-changing Impact of Additive-manufacturing'.

  • This week, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2020 to Paul Milgrom and Robert Wilson 'for improvements to auction theory and inventions of new auction formats'. The news of the prize was received with great...

  • In a groundbreaking study, a team from Maastricht University recently demonstrated the link between indoor climate quality and the health of office users. A healthier building leads to a healthier employee and lower absenteeism.

  • At the end of August several companies, amongst them vidaXL, Moonen Packaging, Seacon Logistics, Arvato Supply Chain Solutions and Brightlands Institute for Supply Chain Innovation (BISCI), joined together to create Supply Chain Valley (SCV). The SCV is a collaboration that seeks to work with...

  • Graduates from Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences who have a migrant background experience more difficulty finding jobs than do other graduates. Employers’ selection procedures and discrimination are often cited as major reasons. However, a recent study by the Research Centre for Education and...