
  • Professor Kai Jonas is the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience’s first chair of “Applied Social Psychology with special focus on LGBTQI+ Diversity and Health”. In the run-up to his inaugural lecture, he reflects on difficult conversations, progress, and how he uses psychology to tackle the still...

  • Rachel Barros Custódio’s affinity with fairness and justice started early when she looked around her Portuguese hometown of Lisbon and saw the mistreatment of animals. “A lot of people in Portugal treat their animals like things, sometimes even worse. They don’t view them as living creatures with...

  • One misconception that Milene Bonte and Giada Guerra want to dispel at the very start of this interview is the idea that people with dyslexia are less intelligent than others. The learning disorder is nonetheless a serious problem, affecting an estimated 5 to 10 percent of primary school children.

  • Learning to read and write fluently seems natural to many people. But it's actually not. Certainly not for people with dyslexia. In this lecture neuroscientist Milene Bonte explains why.

  • Match Maastricht is official partner of Museumnacht Maastricht. They will provide 25 student volunteers, who will work across different venues in the city.

  • Prof. dr. dr. A.J. Roefs, affiliated with Maastricht University of Maastricht University (UM), has received a Vici grant of €1.5 million from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).

  • Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is a substance that many know from a visit to the dentist, or a medical procedure in the hospital. But it is increasingly used as a recreational and addictive drug. During the intoxication, thinking clearly and focused movement is impossible for the user, you can...

  • The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) has appointed Angelique Palmen as a member of the UM Supervisory Board for a period of four years.

  • The Centre of Expertise for Inclusive Organisations (CIAO) is an institute of Maastricht University, founded in 2016 in close collaboration with the Dutch Employee Insurance Agency, UWV (Uitvoeringsinstituut WerknemersVerzekeringen). CIAO offers a knowledge platform for parties working...