
  • CAPHRI welcomes Prof. Dr. Chris Arts as new professor Translational Biomaterials started December 1st, 2023!

  • How can we help employees to fulfil their potential? And how can we do this in a way that is sustainable for both employees and organizations? Recently, I started a new professorship at the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA) at SBE to address these questions, together with...

  • SBE alumnus Paul Schraven reflects on his journey after Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (SBE). After a stint in management consulting, he co-founded SparkSupply in Berlin, connecting students to startups. Shifting away from this model, he worked remotely for a US startup...

  • ROA publishes new report on developments in education and labor market

  • Being a homeowner: to some, it is a dream for which they are willing to work hard and bear a substantial financial burden. To others, it is an undesirable combination of maintenance effort, bureaucracy and reduced mobility.

    Seemingly, this polarization of opinions applies at a broader level, too...

  • Last week, we were informed of the appointment of our first ever Maastricht University alumnus to become CEO of a publicly traded company listed on the New York Stock Exchange. On 15 November, Robbert Rietbroek was announced as CEO of Primo Water Corporation as of the start of 2024. This Tampa...

  • This article discusses the European Investment Screening Mechanism (ISM) – a legal instrument to control international mergers and acquisitions involving non-European investors. ISM aims to safeguard economic and societal resilience by protecting Europe’s key assets to ensure national security and...

  • The conference hosted outstanding key notes, an interesting panel with SBE alumni and the presentation of more than 60 papers.

    Scholars from UM, the Netherlands, Europe and beyond convened in Maastricht around the theme Science for a Sustainable, Resilient and Responsible Future and discussed state...

  • Many governments offer financial support to unemployed job seekers with the aim of increasing their willingness to look for work outside their local labor market. Research by Maastricht University shows that this sometimes does more harm than good

  • School-leavers from secondary education (vmbo, havo and vwo) from the 2020-2021 school year are less likely after graduation to move on to an advanced program in mbo, hbo or wo compared to one year earlier. This and more is shown in the annual school leaver survey by the Research Center for...