NWO Rubicon grant for Dr. Sami Mohammed

UM researcher Dr. S.G. (Sami) Mohammed (MERLN) received a Rubicon grant from research financing institution NWO. This grant gives young, highly promising researchers the opportunity to gain international research experience. With this grant he will conduct research regarding Beta pods for the treatment of type 1 diabetes at the Joslin Diabetes Center, Islet Cell and Regenerative Biology section, in the United States for a periode of 18 months.

Beta pods are specially made implants to transplant insulin producing beta cells for type 1 diabetes. The aim of this project is to investigate the effectiveness of the beta pod in maintaining the balance of blood sugar values during a preclinical study.

Rubicon grants
With a Rubicon grant researchers can conduct research at a foreign research institute. The size of the grant depends on the destination chosen and the length of stay (max. 24 months). The Rubicon programme is named after the river Julius Caesar crossed after his series of victories, which ultimately led to his declaration ‘veni, vidi, vici’. NWO chose the name Rubicon in 2005 for its individual grant programme aimed at retaining talented researchers, who have recently gained their PhD, in science. 

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