
  • Astrid Meesters

    Gone with the wind

    Astrid Meesters received her doctorate on Sept. 28 with her PhD research on flexibility and mindfulness as resilience factors for pain and recovery. 

  • In his PhD research, Kristof Vandael investigated how this generalization of pain-related avoidance can be inhibited in the lab to help optimize therapy for chronic pain or even prevent the development of chronic pain.

  • Prof. Dr. Leentjens at Maastricht University has been researching the relationship between psychiatric and neurological symptoms for years in order to pay more attention to mental symptoms in treatment.

  • Yesterday saw the opening in Aachen of AMICARE, an institute at which researchers from Maastricht UMC+, Maastricht University and RWTH Aachen University will work together to unravel the relationship between cardiovascular problems and kidney disease.

  • Mental health disorders affect one out of four people during their lifetime, with more than three quarters affected before the age of 24. Researchers are now joining forces in the new project Youth-GEMs (Gene Environment Interactions in Mental Health TrajectorieS of Youth) to conduct research into...

  • The EU ban on menthol cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco introduced in May 2020 led menthol smokers to be more likely to try to quit smoking and to be successful in quitting compared to non-menthol smokers. At the same time, a third of menthol smokers say they still smoke menthol cigarettes...

  • Oxytocin may be able to support memory in people with Alzheimer’s disease. This is the conclusion of a study led by Maastricht University in which oxytocin was administered to mice with Alzheimer’s-related problems. The research is based on epigenetics, the external effects that turn parts of our...

  • The International Council on Alcohol, Drugs & Traffic Safety (ICADTS) has released new guidelines summarizing the most recent research on cannabis-impaired driving.

  • Prof. dr. Ron Heeren received the prestigious Thomson Medal for his work in the field of mass spectrometry.

  • Time-restricted Eating (TRE), also known as a form of intermittent fasting, is a new strategy that limits the period of food intake, and maintains a regular cycle of eating during the day followed by a prolonged period of fasting in the evening and at night. Recent research by Patrick Schrauwen and...