
  • In an AD video, Madelon Peters, UM professor of Experimental Health Psychology, gives some tips for more optimism. A well-timed mini lecture, at the end of an eventful 2021 with a lockdown as the end.

  • The Province of Limburg has awarded a second tranche of subsidy of 2,040,000 euros to the 'Kennis-As' project LIME (LImburg MEet). LIME has proven itself in recent years as an accessible and interdisciplinary knowledge center and innovation platform for healthcare.

  • UM professor Mathieu Segers speaks in TV program Buitenhof about poor leadership and the hardening of society: 'The quality of the relationships between people has deteriorated. I'm doing well, together, we're doing badly.”

  • EU leaders hope the Conference on the Future of Europe, a wide-ranging programme of work focused on EU reform, will point the EU in the right direction for years to come. Studio Europa Maastricht spoke with assistant professor of European political history Karin van Leeuwen.

  • Mark Post is a man on a mission. The environmental damage caused by livestock farming is far too great and must be dramatically reduced. His contribution? Cultured meat. These days, he’s not just a scientist, but also the director of Mosa Meat, a business that has drawn 75 million Euros in...

  • Transgender people still run a very high risk of HIV infection. On average, one in five trans women worldwide tests HIV positive, and trans men also have an increased risk of HIV. These are the findings of an extensive analysis by Maastricht University (UM).

  • Effective January 1, 2022, the Open University will become a shareholder of Brightlands Smart Services Campus in Heerlen, joining founding fathers Maastricht University (UM), Province of Limburg and APG to become the campus’ fourth shareholder. 

  • The only way to get enough people to quit smoking to achieve the goals of the National Prevention Agreement is to substantially increase the excise duty on tobacco products. This is the conclusion of research by Maastricht University (UM) on the price sensitivity of people who smoke cigarettes or...

  • Two talented young researchers from the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) at Maastricht University have won awards. Kim Kampen received the KNAW Early Career Award and Floor van den Brand has won the Catharina Pijls Dissertation Prize.

  • Unless the EU rules and tax treaties are amended, some cross-border workers will soon have to pay tax in two countries: in their country of residence for hours spent working from home, and in the country in which they work for hours spent in the office. Since COVID-19 has made working from home...