
  • Why you gain weight after dieting? Edwin Mariman is a professor at Maastricht University (MaCSBio) and conducted research on the yo-yo effect.

  • At industrial complex Chemelot in Geleen, education, knowledge institutions, business and industry meet.

  • Astrid Meesters

    Gone with the wind

    Astrid Meesters received her doctorate on Sept. 28 with her PhD research on flexibility and mindfulness as resilience factors for pain and recovery. 

  • In his PhD research, Kristof Vandael investigated how this generalization of pain-related avoidance can be inhibited in the lab to help optimize therapy for chronic pain or even prevent the development of chronic pain.

  • More and more young people, especially girls and young women, are suffering from mental health problems. Researcher Sophie Leijdesdorff is pleased with Queen Maxima's attention to this

  • Prof. Dr. Leentjens at Maastricht University has been researching the relationship between psychiatric and neurological symptoms for years in order to pay more attention to mental symptoms in treatment.

  • Maastricht researchers develop testing device for fruit and vegetables

  • "In ten years more than a thousand students here will be working on social issues around agriculture, sustainability and nutrition," predicts Dean Thomas Cleij of Maastricht's Faculty of Science and Engineering.

  • Our intestines are oh so important, but in science they get the short end of the stick. Microbiologist Koen Venema is doing research with artificial intestines. "They are the key to your health."

  • Brand-new Nobel Prize winner Svante Pääbo managed to bring ancient DNA to life and unravel it. UM professor of palaeo-ecology José Joordens explains how special and valuable this is.