
  • Sten van Beek

    Cold shivers?

    Due to the Western lifestyle with a high fat diet combined with little exercise, more and more people in the Netherlands are overweight or even obese. This causes an increased risk of type II diabetes. What can be done about this besides a healthier lifestyle? The answer comes from an unexpected...

  • Marlou-Floor Kenkhuis

    Quantity and Quality

    Survivors of colon cancer often have symptoms associated with the cancer or treatment for years after treatment, such as fatigue and tingling in fingers and feet. This has a great impact on the perceived quality of life. Whereas current lifestyle advice is mainly aimed at prevention of (colon)...

  • Stress over high energy and grocery costs has a direct effect on the health of people who already have little to spend, warns Professor Gera Nagelhout. According to her, the government can do more to remedy that problem. This is important, because children from underprivileged families in our...

  • Artificial intelligence is able to detect and segment lung tumours more effectively than a radiologist can. Scientists from Maastricht University (UM) have developed an AI method that not only works faster than individual radiologists, but also produces more accurate and reproducible results...

  • Collaboration across the border between different healthcare professionals and institutions can count on broad approval. In practice, however, it is more difficult. Investing in communication, personal encounters and a shared awareness of the differences between them can be part of the solution.

  • Muscles of elderly people who exercise regularly display almost the same metabolism as those of young people, according to a joint study on aging in muscle tissues by scientists from Maastricht University (UM) and Amsterdam UMC. The research suggests that people can largely reverse the aging of...

  • Deep brain stimulation or DBS has been shown to be effective in treating memory loss, at least this appears to be the case in rats. 

  • Thanks to relatively new MRI techniques, patients with rectal cancer may benefit from an improved selection process for organ-sparing treatment. These techniques were also used to determine whether this treatment offers a safe alternative to standard surgical procedures for patients with rectal...

  • At Maastricht UMC+, research is being carried out to determine whether or not axillary lymph nodes should always be removed in breast cancer patients.