
  • The third report of the ITEM/ICGI project on ‘Cross-Border Corporate Mobility in the EU’ has now been published. The report builds upon the earlier reporting on cross-border corporate activity and features a comprehensive country-by-country reporting to provide a fuller picture of cross-border...

  • It has appeared in several cases already: PhD candidates with a scholarship who do not receive childcare allowance. Recently, Minister Van Engelshoven of Education, Culture and Science answered parliamentary questions about the right to childcare allowance for PhD candidates. The answers she gives...

  • When professionals and students move to other countries to either work or study there, they may need recognition of their qualifications. Different instruments and procedures exist depending on the purpose of mobility. Despite the fact that such instruments mainly aim at facilitating mobility...

  • De ITEM quick scan maakt een eerste inschatting mogelijk in hoeverre een onderwerp een verdere beoordeling vergt wat mogelijke grenseffecten betreft. ITEM heeft de quick scan toegepast op beleidsvoornemens die in het Nederlandse Regeerakkoord van 2017 worden genoemd. 

  • Can certain rules affect the daily lives of border residents? By means of an impact assessment, the impact of certain guidelines can be measured. The ITEM Expertise Centre is committed to mapping the impact of legislation and policies for border regions. In this context, ITEM published its annual...

  • Maastricht University teams have a long tradition of scoring very high in the European Law Moot Court Competition (ELMC). Organized annually since 1988, the ELMC is a bilingual moot court (French-English) focused on topical issues of European Law.

  • Martin Unfried from the Institute for Transnational and Euregional Cross-border cooperation and Mobility / ITEM of Maastricht University was present at the launch conference 'Boosting Growth and Cohesion in EU Border Regions' of the European Commission in Brussels. During the event Unfried gave...

  • In an official document of the Commission’s Regional Policy titled Communication “Boosting Growth and Cohesion in EU Border Regions”, the Cross-border Impact Assessment of the ITEM Expertise centre of Maastricht University was put forward as a good practice by the European Commission in order to...

  • The thesis ‘Balancing Student Mobility Rights and National Higher Education Autonomy in the European Union’ by Dr. Alexander Hoogenboom, connected to the ITEM Expertise centre and the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University, will be issued by publishing house Brill in the series ‘Nijhoff Studies in...

  • The Ministry of the Interior has written a response to the report ‘Cross-border workers in Europe’ (Grenswerkers in Europa) in a Letter to Parliament. Furthermore the minister addresses the progress of cross-border cooperation.